Monday, 16 June 2008

And then there were those days.....

Those were the days I would fondly remember throughout my life. Sitting in the nights staring in the freezing skys and wishing sometimes that we remain in those beautiful surroundings through out our lives and at other times wishing that we run back homes from being isolated and sitting there. Now it all seems like our college days. What days were those. We had powerful telescopes to see the activity at the enemy posts and I thought -- why can't I click some photographs of moon through it? It took me so long to finally get the photographs -- first there were problems to align the camera lens and the telescope. Then was the problem to keep the camera steady with so much of zoom. The light was so less that I could not increase the exposure speed beyond a certain setting. After so many trials and misses -- finally got some good shots. Three by night and two by day to be precise. Hope you like the shots.


niftyxl said...

i loved top 2 pics(moon close up)....worth the effort..LOL...

niftyxl said...

even the is brilliant one...

S S Cheema said...

Thanks as always for appreciating

Uma said...

Great idea and cool pix. And a good break from watching the uggly chinks