I make this post to honour your comment Uma. Yes I have led a life that has been adventurous, simulating and wonderful - all at the same time. And No Uma you are wrong on reading me in a way -- I do not have a craving for recognition -- I really would love to recount some achievements in my life but it is not for trying to make me immortal of any sort. I am what I am -- it is just that you feel some times that the world gives two hoots to how you have contributed towards the society and you are shunned everyday because they either feel you were crazy in the first place to opt for such a profession (read army) or it is just too bad for me as they sleep well everyday without any worry at all.
It is these times I think that whether I have led a good, bad or ugly life people must know that Indian Army has done a wonderful job. That job has not been easy -- either physically or morally. It has taken a toll on me and all those who are in such environment.
So I have this blog where I would subtly put across my life so that they understand a "fauji" a little better. I am a misfit in this society I know (and you too know it by now)--- I do not know how to go ahead with my life normally.
I am now posted in a peace station and I thought that before I get another tour of duty where there is nothing but wilderness let me just flow. Why in stocks? I thought that after the life I have led I want to earn but earn where there is no dirty money. So... that is why I am in stocks. It was my passion and now it has eaten so much from me that I deserve it to give me some back (with interest ofcourse). I want to do well and I do not want it all -- if we share our experiences and if we learn from each other I am sure that we can do better than those getting 10 digit salaries doing the same job.
Jaggu: this one is for you -- you are right that it is all white -- I will only recount one instance -- we woke up one morning and wanted to go for our routine we found that our toilets have all been buried in 40 ft plus of snow. Belive you me that we just did not want to go out in the open to be fodder for enemy sniper in the daylight so we just passed the day somehow. the next night we dug and dug and dug and reached the bottom only when it was about to be bright outside. I could not click any snaps as that was notorious place for en sniping so there was to be no movement by day -- so I clicked this snap when the ceasefire was there -- the snow -- mind you is no longer 40 feet but you will get an idea what i am saying.
The photograph that is also as header on this blog is one of my favourite clicked there and I am posting the original (compressed as the blog does not alow more than 8mb attachments) Hope you like this one and it is coloured too!!